
The Feast of Our Lady of La Leche

The Feast of Our Lady of La Leche, also known as the Feast of Our Lady of Nursing, has its origins in the early days of Spanish colonialism in the Americas. It was first celebrated in St. Augustine, Florida, in the late 16th century, making it one of the oldest Marian devotions in the United States. The feast honors the Virgin Mary as a symbol of motherhood and breastfeeding, emphasizing her role as a nurturing and caring mother. Legend has it that a statue of the Virgin Mary nursing the infant Jesus was brought to St. Augustine by Spanish settlers, and the devotion to Our Lady of La Leche grew from there. Over the centuries, the feast has evolved and continued to be celebrated by Catholics as a reminder of Mary’s maternal love and protection. Today, it remains an important religious and cultural tradition in St. Augustine and beyond.

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